AI-powered, Lowcost

Health Monitoring

Your personal and professional medical service assistant

Low Cost
Battery Life
Water Resistant
Remote Monitoring

Medical Smart





The Nebula Health monitoring platform measures vital signs in real-time using wireless, non-inactive, medical-grade technology.

Pulse rate


Respiration rate


Blood pressure

Low Cost,

Disposable Device

The Nebula Health monitoring platform measures vital signs in real-time using wireless, non-inactive, medical-grade technology.



Our devices connect to the NBheath app, which uploads all data to your private AIOT cloud eniviroment.
Our web platform allows patients to be monitored anytime, anywhere.

Combat the Spread of COVID-19

Combat the Spread of COVID-19 with Real-time, Remote Vital Signs Monitoring

AI-powered, lowcost

Long Term Monitoring

Nursing homes and Telemachine

Nebula's wrist device is a long-term solution for remote patient monitoring, ideal for nursing homes, telehealth services and complex chronic-care patients.


Dashboard for Analysis

Support of big data processing and analysis
Remote and real-time monitoring-based connected healthcare services
Interactive and real-time interaction between healthcare professionals and patients
Data protection for Healthcare Origanizations and Meeting HIPAA Compliance

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